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Well, "care" is probably overstating it. There's a weird infantilism that seems to have infected consumer culture, where throwing tantrums entitles one to attention and any transactional hiccup is seen as a trauma needing immediate redress. I personally blame Starbux for this shifting culture, where about 25 years ago, suddenly anyone with three bucks could essentially pay for a brief yet titillating experience of verbally and emotionally (if not also sexually) harassing minimum-wage baristas. Elsewhere, baristas were like bartenders: no nicey, no drinky. Anyway, this is all a tangent. My point is, I care, you care, we're all engaged in a bigger project here of imagining and problem solving toward a joyful future, so if something's not right and it's in my power to help, let me know, okay? I'm a one person operation and I have other jobs too, because that's how art works. Stuff might get mixed up. But I'm super stoked about my work, so I hope you'll give me the chance to get you stoked, too.


Are you a local brick & mortar shop interested in carrying some of my work? Cool! Let's talk! I probably meant to reach out to you already but hey, launching a business is hard.


So hey, I hate spam and I bet you do too. While there's absolutely nothing I can do to even understand what happens in the black box of all these third party platforms that I pay to have this site running and accepting payments, I did do as much research as possible to find a platform that seemed as minimally sketchy as possible. I can tell you I'm doing nothing with your info besides letting you know when I've got new cool stuff for sale, and if we've talked in person about some cool thing, hopefully I'll get around to following up. In the meantime, just trying to get this stupid website to work is about all I can handle. You're all good.


​- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline Payments (I think this means things like cash)

- Sick barters like for ski passes or really awesome wood

Tender Fire Studio is part concept, part my tiny basement apartment full of art supplies and very little furniture, and part shared workshop. I work, play, and love on land that was stolen from the Pocumtuc people, settled by colonizers, and continues to be sold for profit in the speculative real estate market for the enrichment and comfort of the owning class. Decolonizing my practice is an ongoing study of how I can be in right relationship to the land, animals, and plants of this place while embracing and acknowledging the often-scary precarity and vulnerability of a life given to the pursuit of soul and the sacred rather than the settler concepts of security and safety. I give thanks and praise to the rivers that form this Connecticut River valley, to these sand hills and the ants that dwell here and find my kitchen window so inviting, to the many birds and their dawn hymns, and to the forests: o the trees, the ferns, the damp stones and the deep deep woods, you are the mercy of the sacred in cellulose flesh.

Tender Fire Studio  @tenderfirestudio
PO BOX 9359, North Amherst, MA 01059

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